Diane & Young


Diane, Young, baby Sebastian, and Jaxon the German Shepherd made this house their home, and they want the next owners to see just how amazing it is! 

Diane, Young, baby Sebastian, and Jaxon the German Shepherd

515 Central Ave | Havertown

Represented by Kristin McFeely


How would you describe your personal interior design style?

Modern farmhouse

If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room, what would it be?

Viva la vida by Coldplay

How would you describe your neighborhood?

Friendly neighbors and safe

If you could use your house as the setting for a remake of a movie, which movie would it be?

Home alone

What was your non-negotiable when it came to finding your dream home?

Open concept

What's your favorite room? Why?

The living room / kitchen

What is one thing you need in your home to make it yours?

Comfy sofa

What makes you (or your family) laugh?

When our son does new things

If you could throw a theme party in your house, what would be the theme?

Ugly sweater

A day spent running around the neighborhood: what's your first stop and last stop?

First stop baseball park to play ball with our dog, last stop would be Rita’s for icecream

How has your home changed from move-in day?

We have a baby room

What's your favorite memory of your home?

Bringing our fist born home to introduce to Jaxon

What was the catalyst to you purchasing a new home?

Moving out of the city

What's your favorite piece of Philly culture?


Kristin McFeely